Welcome to our service on Sunday March 9, 2025

You can use our online services at: http://www.kemptvilleunitedchurch.org.


Rev. Michelle Robichaud may be contacted by calling the office at 613-258-3259 or emailing her at .

UCC Heritage Minute: Mission Work in Asia

In the early 20th century, the United Church was     involved in extensive mission work in China,  Korea, and Japan. Many missionaries from Canada contributed to education and healthcare in these  regions.

The Annual General Meeting will be held TODAY after service.  Hard copies are available at front and back of church. Fellowship thanks to Faith Circle G.

The Covenanting Service for Rev. Michelle will be held on Sunday March 16th. The guest preacher will be Rev. Éric Hébert-Daly. Lunch 

provided after by the Social Committee.

Our sincere sympathy is extended to the Burns family on the death of Tom. Tom was a member of our church years ago and well known in the community. May God bless those who mourn.

Outreach Giving Pantry is in hall after service.

Bible Study: Wednesday mornings from 10:30 am - 12 pm.  (exception is last Wed. each month it will be 10-11:15 ) We meet in the lounge. Please bring your curiosity, openness, questions, and thoughts for this time of sharing and learning. All are welcome!

Lent Food Drive for House of Lazarus: please see insert and please keep on your  refrigerator as a reminder for future weeks!

Ladies who lunch will meet on last Wednesday  each month, at 11:30 am at Hardstones. RSVP Louise  613-327-5240, Barbara 613-258-4526 or Anita  613-816-1995.                                

All are welcome to:

   Friendship Café: Every Tuesday 10am.

   Friendship Lunches: Every Friday 11:30.

   The Drawing Circle: Fridays at 4pm.

St. John’s Movie Afternoon:  Wed. March 19 at 3pm. Please suggest titles to Ron of films you would like to see!

The Great Irish Sing-Along! with Tripoly and Grenville Troubadours is on Sat, Mar 15 at 3 pm at St. John’s. Tickets from Helen in the church office for $20. This is a fundraiser for  St. John's. The Great Irish Sing-along,  celebrating St. Patrick's Day, is a show full of fun, irreverence and wonderful old melodies that will get your toes tapping and your vocal chords a-vibrating!     


House of Lazarus donations to the food bank are made on the last Sunday of every month. Please put your donations in the two containers at the back of the church.

"Listening Ear" - our Worship committee  has a list of members who would love to lend a listening ear to anyone who needs to hear a friendly voice over the phone. Please call or email the office so Helen can add you to their list of members who need a call. We also have volunteers willing to deliver groceries.

We created a link so that you could click and subscribe to our you tube channel where all the services reside. If you have not already subscribed to our channel could you please click on link below and subscribe.  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiCSQR6NbG9_u7FSY7hrAow?sub_confirmation=1




St. John's United Church
400 Prescott Street
PO Box 340
Kemptville, ON, K0G 1J0

Sunday Worship 10:00am  at St. John's United!

KIDZ Faith Corner  10:00 am

Office Hours:

Tuesday: 9 - 2

Wed/Thurs: 9 - 2

Friday: 9 - 12                                                           

Closed in July